Wednesday, 31 August 2016


Jocularly mock me,
pull out the chocks
and defrock me you tease,
I wish you would issue,
sounds and songs of misuse,
disclosing thoughts over battles fought,
that tear,when pulled,like wet tissue.
I'm all ears,
so pour out your fears baby,
I'm not just here
to merely leer,
I think you're a beauty,
something of a cutie,
flatter me,
and batter me with honest tears,
and in kind,
you will find,
that I'm fond,
and I'll respond,
by buying you at least six beers.

Autistic Artist

Flame haired Wainwright felt the pain
His mother,
the object of maternity,
with knocking at the door,
neighbors doubting his paternity,
he was hidden in a drawer
No wonder then,
as I tell,
of a man obsessed by fells,
and meticulous notebooks
shying away from familiar looks
and shouts of are you him?
Would answer,
with a whim,
yonder is the man you seek,
the one that wanders and wonders
over peaks
Not I.
A shy man,
knowing the risks,
invited onto desert island discs
replied,for his eight songs
with a known dislike
for flocks and throngs
with a love that he found
from places with  barely a sound.
Silence knows no wrongs.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Imogen Imagined

We made
 I love you signs
through panes of glass,
a woman scorned,
is a small
child mourned
I left,
at the policemans request
Four years of memories
no rights,
despite fights in courts
to my amusement,
of frightful acts
Repeatedly beaten down
the crown has no power
glowering showers
of shit
Your tiny hand
in mine,
Making you laugh
washing your hair
in the bath
At the end
let's pretend
that justice prevailed
hands tied
I'm thrown in the tide,
clutching my throat,
after the last boat
has sailed

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Imaginative Amalgamation

We're soiled
by treasonable acts
from pacts,
and spoiled
as we toil
for a reason
In Redcar by the sea,
sitting in the car
courting controversy,
a fat man in a string vest,
to the new Wild West
Seven point six two
became five point five six
a hell of a trick
aligning munitions
in the greatest tradition
of old empires,
ignoring the flaws
as we mop up the gore
for inheriting  a friends enemies,
it transpires


took bites out of me,
until what remained,
wrought dark desires,
from once ornate spires,
and deformed,
to form weapons for liars
I'm afraid to say
it was mine in a latter day,
and I polished it
and rubbed it
to a fine old shine
But sawn offs hidden
in middens,
and buried from view,
pay testament,
mark monuments,
to the efficiency
of Spanish road construction crews

Beggars Belief Too

give now
to the homeless on our streets,
to make ends meet,
the poor folk
Im choked up with fear
they should go without beer
with your greed,
just chuck them a quid
to have kids growing up
dependent on weed
Do your part
Have a care
Where's your heart?
as they stare,
at us standing in rows
It's a flashpoint,
at the cashpoint
No change sir?
That's okay
We're only accepting notes today
after all they're needy
having a ball
can't you see?
Suffering and saddened
with no LCD TV

The Pute Is In

I ended the text
huddled in the remains
of cities
with an x,
an unconscious action
as I hide
from the factions
pure reflex
I'm not responsible
quite specifically
in general
more horrifically
and take no blame
or portion
of shame
for messages sent
and kisses meant
to be planted
on the cheeks
of freaks
So I'll pen
a letter
so much better
than shaking hands
Do please understand
there's blood
on yours,
mine boils,
I'm not gay
but I'd make
an exception
in your case today
to fuck you
for your looting
turtle faced
shame and disgrace
on you
Premier Putin

Thursday, 18 August 2016

I,So Elated

I'd stand and take
and shake your hand,
I'm no germ carrier and seldom cus,
but I'm reeling
from the feeling
there's a barrier between us
You're black and I'm white
You're right,
but that's not it,
you dipshit
We're in deep shit
as we sit either side
of a reinforced Perspex divide,
you on yours
me your ten past nine,
your plan for my future
doesn't tally with mine
Sign? on the dotted line?
Here, take twenty years,
what do I care?
To retire on sickness benefit,
as I slowly lose my hair

Smoke,Mirrors (etc)

Buckle yourself in
and hold on tight,
busy beavers are pulling levers
as we climb to even greater heights.
Reaching the top,
with in tail retinue,
we stop before the drop,
and admire the view.
But too soon we descend,
and we're screaming round the bends,
clutching the bar
as we're tossed to and fro,
chasing the highs
and fearing the lows,
eventually stopping
we step from the car,
to the cheers,
leers and jeers,
from erstwhile collared peers,
who look upon,
with vacant hope,
the election of a hetero pope.

En passant

I'm no stranger
to adrenaline
in favor
of chance and danger
At sixteen I made a list
of experiments
and merriments
and risks
Wondering but unspoken
about things
that would bring me
to the edge of being broken 
So I stopped the talk
and walked
a well known friend
Passing out
from starvation
Raw vegetables
dug up and eaten
Unbeaten still
unbreakable yet
No debts
isn't hopelessness 
When time
to fill the void
weaker selves
are not shelved
but destroyed

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Irrational Express

I  confess,
if I may digress,
once again in pain upon the National Express,
did you pick your nose and wipe it on your dress?
Nine hours heading south
Are you coughing
not covering your mouth?
Thanks,lank haired skank.
Dormant dozing
float away
drooling on the motorway
then home.
Please don't shout on your telephone,
hardly tactile,
lives broadcast on your expensive mobile.
I certainly won't miss
the strong smell of piss,
eau de toilette
a journey to remember I'd rather forget,
being cornered and told jokes by lonely folk.
Sad tales
from real ale drinkers
winks and nudges,
a drudge dying of boredom,
cussing in a bus-full
of people deficit of decorum

Monday, 15 August 2016

Noughts and Crosses

once drawn as a child,
stick animals,
suns with smiling faces,
and girls names,
defined terms half understood,
are washed away by rains.
the deluge outside threatens
beats repeatedly
blustering squalls blowing trees,
leaf ridden streets,
but underneath,
chiseled grooves in concrete
mis-spelt words,
form snakes long and twisting,
lists of understandings,
cohesive conjecture,
new terms
over which people walk,


I can't,
though you insist
I won't,
and I resist
I say no
the to and fro,
and resolute,
the odd one out
beds are made
opinions laid
to rest,
best intentions
or acid tested
I confess
and compromise,
with plastic bags
and cable ties,
you suffocate,
and demonstrate
a valid reason
to tease me,
but greedy


There's machinery
in the minutiae,
in the semantics,
in the profanity
the smallest motions
So hang on
as we swing
through celestial
Arcs in retrograde
dipping beneath
the galactic plane
The wildest ride
for the highest
A carousel
of multifaceted

Friday, 12 August 2016


The stars
are barred,
no room on the moon I bet,
no plot to let
if we went
to pitch an A frame tent
Saturn's rings
are chock a block with things
we can't disclose
Even if we chose to know
the reasons for
that appear in a row
Little green men
pestering hens
gesturing come hither,
the rotters,
glistening bug eyed squatters
It's a real deal
the state,
of pan galactic real estate
No vacancies for flagrant,
short stay species
Conspiracies hatched
behind doors latched
in B and B's
But we might
if we try
find a place in the sky,
better yet
for some debt
as entertainment
in containment
as some house trained alien pet

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Back to the suture

Needle and thread,
our daily bread
and cast
How long
do you think
the NHS will last?
Grazed knees
annoying me
from last orders
in the A and E
Some poor Mr
with a big
blood blister
poor you
from new
leather shoes?
Hardly front page news
having scraps
and gaps in teeth
Good grief,
no wonder
we're overrun
From folk
doing coke
and people choking,
how nice,
from smoking
vast quantities
of spice
Big drinkers
are not usually
forward thinkers
causing a fuss,
and kerfuffle's,
at the back
of the bus
bless those doctors
and nurses,
met with curses,
seek to aid
who have chose
to make folk
feel afraid

Monday, 8 August 2016

Go Compare

It's apparently transparent,
the votive motive,
balancing between
unheard and unseen,
keener eyesights than mine
have seen
far brighter lights,
brighter minds than mine
have feared
far greater heights,
comparisons between greater
and smaller,
don't result
in one better than the other,
Smothering small cries of delight,
plights unheeded
I'm wheedling,
peddling feelings,
balancing on a razor wire,
free wheeling.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Project Condign

After much speculation
and of course
the lies
are revised
Whole paragraphs
along with names
facts and faces
No traces of doubt
Blames levelled
and gavels
we're still fucked
Truth be known
it's still
all talk
and no show
Despite bright lights
night time frights
I'm shitting a brick
if it turns out
they're right

Get Down

Welcome to the dance
Ignore the rants
It's easy
A series of advances and retreats
to shy glances
under brows
Cheeks reddened
by thoughts caught unsaid
How neat
The beat dictates of course
Wait your turn
against the wall,
choose a partner
great or small
have a ball!
Spin your partner
twist and shout
Bunching around mixed punches
Name tags
and game rags
Polite chatter
scattered applause
Awards presented
to well dressed
special guest
well thought out wars

No Quarter

Once again
 I fail
to maintain
Fence sitting
is a void
of opinion
Defiles filled
with overspill,
justifications met
to some degree,
a cause for regret
I'm easily
chow down,
take bites,
I'll make no sound.
 between teeth,
cheeks round
Remove me
from approval
Wipe slates clean,
demeaning me
is hardly
I retain the right
to oppose
sometimes fight
some small part
of myself
that clings
to reason
in the face
of overwhelming

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Radio Active

Polonium two ten,
applied with a pen,
solves difficult questions,
and eases uncertain tensions,
felt by world leaders
(no names mentioned).
Chlorine gas,
must be quite bad,
its applied against people resisting Assad,
murdering blighters
we called freedom fighters,
until the world press,
under duress,
screamed of the crisis,
and relabeled them Isis
While nuclear arms,
proliferating,appear to calm,
alleviating the worry
from quandaries concerning funds
squandered on the aims of distorted,
political campaigns.

Sir Chengin

Google want to know when I masturbate,
how frequently
how indecently
and even at what rate.
What I eat and what I buy,
or merely shy
What I wear and where I've been,
my vocation,
or location,
their insistence is obscene.
Are we statistics
for an online quick fix?
Can we deny
the need to be freed,
with shaking fist,
from supplying details for mailing lists?
Wrists tired and tied,
from emails missed,
I'm a trifle pissed
having to delete greetings,
and special deals for cut price meals,
and meetings,
with princes and kings from African states
on listing
the reasons for the gold being late.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016


I'm disputing
with Putin
civil fights,
he's neurotic
on horseback
How homo erotic!
While he's
waving flags,
they're taking
how bold,
that tortoise-like centrefold
of many
gay men's porno mags
Podium rants
while wearing
hot pants
too tight
a terrible example
of a closet
He's not
after all
such a bad fella
He's promised
to give me
an atomic umbrella
But don't gloat
at the scrote
because he lied
subscribing weekly
to issues
of London's gay pride
Kinky gay boys,
it seems to me,
are the letters
that make up

Monday, 1 August 2016

Mind The Stares

Pulse racing
Thoughts of caresses
tracing fingers
down her neck
Eyes wild
with desires
I'm reading you
needing you
I think
Every twist
and turn
burns me
Musical notes
a beautiful throat
I'm a scumbag
One time lag
No good
do gooder
A checklist
for wrecking
my self
Begins with
propped against doors
To dispel
kiss and tell
An emotive vagrant
you see
to keep at bay
my emotional