Sunday 28 May 2017

A pox on the apex(approx)

Immune to loss and cost
good grief
so begins the ballad of the urban tea leaf
It's a very brief guide
to a form of social suicide
Pick your poisons
addictions and cravings
praxis and logos
volition enslaving
Pressures felt
by poor cards dealt
The whip and crack
of the smack
that leaves a welt
Scars detailing lines
refined by JCP defined fines
the elation born of starvation
not for spiritual recompense
but for lack of want
for common sense
and responsibility ducking
when free time
is I can no longer be me time
you'll feel the need to puke
Welcome to the U.K.

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Ablutions and Absolutions

I ask
is this the face I favor?
and frown
Time to shave the fucking clown
Soaping and lathering
the slavering fool,
tearing free the masking tape
to scrape the face with sharpened tool
A likeness achieved
and people deceived
a new face applied
and a new place to hide
the mirror steams,steaped in dreams
I draw cartoon eyes
wide in surprise
big bared teeth that smile
the won't and the will
the can't
and the shan't
the mustn't and shouldn't
wouldn't and couldn't
shout louder and bolder
than the face that grows older